Equipment Services

Innovative Waste Solutions will help you find the right compator, bailer, or chipper for your company.  We will make sure these machines are built to fit the needs of your recycling efforts. 



Bailing is the most efficient way to move recycled materials. 

A new horizontal auto tie baler can cost $65,000+

A new vertical baler can cost $10,000+

Horizontal balers come in manual and auto-tie.  Auto-tie balers do not require people to man the baler

Vertical balers require employees to feed the baler with wire to tie the bales which usually takes 15-20 minutes to process a single bale

If your facility recycles more than 100 tons of materials, based on cost studies, you need an auto tie baler                                        



Compactors are the second most effective way to recycle materials

Compators now come in electric powered (blue compator above) and in solar powered (green built picture above)

A new compactor rental cost is approximately $200-$400 per month plus an additional hauling fee

A 40 yard compactor may hold up to 10 tons of materials

If used for recycling you will only be paid 50-70% of market pricing since the recycler will have to use their labor to bale the commodities

Plastic cleaning equpiment